My Sunny Mind

I absolutely love creating and recording guided-meditations and (hypnosis) visualizations. From my own private clients to others listening or downloading online, my visualizations have been successfully used by thousands of people all around the world. They've also been utilized by many different organizations from the Bristol & Avon Police Force in the UK, to the NYU School of Medicine, all the way to Oxygen Tango (here in California) who used them to inspire students. It's been an exciting ride!

I spent a decade working in the UK Music Industry (running a recording studio and producing ambient music) before discovering the joys of N.L.P. & Hypnosis. I then started recording my own original guided-visualizations: locked in my studio, honing my craft over many years.

The production of a good guided-meditation is both an art and a science. On my recordings, particular attention has gone into the structure and content of the scripts & words, the kinesthetic tone of the voice & instruments, and the space of the music & melody as it weaves in and out (of one's consciousness). I believe that producing a good self-help MP3 is in fact a craft. My visualizations are therefore NOT the mass-produced-'McFactory' type which claim to help just about every issue out there, yet in truth off very little in terms of change, ambience and scripts used. My titles have been tested on real people, with real concerns in Europe, North America and also 40,000 feet above the Atlantic ocean! (They are currently being utilized by the NYU School of Medicine which uses them with their therapeutic patients.)

In this journey from creation to realization I have found myself struggling with writer's block & frustration all the way to jumping with joy & excitement as I've found exactly the right word or musical note. I put my entire being into my work. If listened to regularly I truly believe that they will leave people feeling inspired and transformed.

You can browse my catalog here. You can also discover a number of my titles at my FIVE STAR rated Etsy store if you feel more secure there.