
I need to set up one of those Review Page Apps on this site. I will let you know when I've done so. Any reviews are most welcome and appreciated. In the mean time, I've pasted some of the reviews I have received over the years below. 

I'm also a FIVE STAR rated seller on Etsy. I began selling handmade spiritual jewelry (which my cousin in the UK made) on the store, and now I also sell my hypnosis downloads on Etsy. You can visit the Etsy My Sunny Mind store and read its reviews HERE.



"Charles, I love your downloads and I play them over and over. My life can be clearly marked by 'before I started listening to them and after'. I'm so grateful to you, the way I deal with myself and all I have changed for the better since discovering My Sunny Mind."

Dorothy (Pembrokeshire, Wales)


“Until discovering My Sunny Mind my only experience of flying visualizations were the classic hypnosis beach / summer-lake type. Not anymore. My Sunny Mind have really created a game-changer here with their Relaxed Flying Series. Maybe it is possible for me to fly confidently after all.”

Janine (London, UK)


“I’m amazed it’s taken so long for relaxed flying downloads such as these to become available, because listening to them they just seem so easy and natural. And best of all, they work!” 

Simon (Denver, USA)


"Hi Charles, it's Jen - the gal who bit her nails. I just wanted to write and say a huge THANK YOU. Since I saw you about a month ago and started listening to your My Sunny Mind MP3s I have not put my fingers in my mouth and I now have healthy normal nails. It's truly amazing what you have done for me."

Jen (Nashville, USA)


"Hello My Sunny Mind. I just wanted to write and tell you how beautifully tranceful your 'Mind Clean' download is. I've been listening to it for about a week now and I can literally feel the chaos in my head emptying out. Thank you thank you."

Klaus (Culver City, USA)


“I was dreading a business trip I had to make earlier this year because it involved a long haul flight so Charles suggested I test out his 'Relaxing Journey' MP3 - asking me to listen to it a few times leading up to the flight. I was somewhat skeptical, but because he’s a friend and I was quite nervous I thought I’d give it a go. And do you know what? It actually worked - my travel day was most easy! I was still nervous the night before flying but when I woke up the next morning I just felt calm and at ease. Nothing about the airport or the flight seemed to phase me like on previous trips. Thank you Charles and best of luck with these downloads - not that you’ll need it.”

Samuel (Santa Monica, USA)


"Thank you so much for the My Sunny Mind MP3s, I just wanted to say how wonderful they are. I like the recording style and your voice in the background. I suffer from insomnia and I listened to the 'Relax & Let Go' one several times and found myself falling asleep easily. It is very powerful!"

Lorraine (Rodborough, England)


"Charles is a miracle worker! For years, I was afraid to fly on airplanes. This fear prevented me from seeing my family overseas. After working with Charles and listening repeatedly to the Inflight Relaxation MP3, I now LOVE flying and have traveled extensively. Thank you My Sunny Mind!"

Sandy (Calgary, Canada)


"2 weeks ago I was completely stressed out. Since then I've listened to Relax & Let Go every day and now I'm super chilled. Respect to My Sunny Mind. :)"

Doug (Santa Monica, USA)


"Every time I listen to your Inner Power download at home in my living room I end up falling asleep… I thought well at least it's relaxing if nothing else. But I'm also finding these days that I'm more confident and outspoken at work to. Perhaps a co-incidence but intriguing also, so thanks for that."

Wayne (Gloucestershire, England)


“Charles I’m so happy you asked me to test out your Relaxed Flying Series on my recent trip to Europe - you know I’m not the most comfortable of flyers. Well I have to say your Mindfulness Flying download just blew me away. - But in a calm, trancelike, peaceful way!!! I can’t recommend this or your other downloads enough. I will certainly be keeping them on my iPhone for future trips.” 

Jessica (San Francisco, USA)


"Thank you very much for the Rejuvenate download - wherever I go, whatever I am doing , whatever difficulties I go through I always have that special place where I can go - and no one can take that away, as it's only me that is aware of this special sanctuary! Your download is brilliant and just the tonic I need."

Sarah (Paganhill, England)


"Just wanted to write and say thank you My Sunny Mind for the valuable tools you've left me with. I can confidently say that I'm moving in the direction of putting things behind me!"

Gerald (Irvine, USA)


“Oh my, I got hold of the ‘Relaxed Take-Off’ MP3 and really wasn’t expecting much… but what do I know. That was the easiest takeoff ever. Thank you guys!”

Joel (Brighton, UK)


"Charles, your Mind Clean MP3 is amazing! Since I've been listening to it and working with you, my personal life and work life has completely transformed. I feel so much more confident now at dealing with whatever life brings up, and at work I've gone from also-ran to the one of the top salespeople in the country. I'm not quite sure where I'd be without you and your MP3. Thank you so much!"

Cindy (Thousand Oaks, USA)