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Reduce Blood Pressure A Guided Visualization Meditation Hypnosis Download To Help Lower Blood Pressure Naturally

Reduce Blood Pressure A Guided Visualization Meditation Hypnosis Download To Help Lower Blood Pressure Naturally

Regular price $5.00 USD
Regular price Sale price $5.00 USD
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Reduce your blood pressure naturally...

And thanks to the wonders of modern technology,  you can now download this incredibly helpful audio session onto your phone, tablet or computer easily in a matter of moments.

Do you remember the last time you went to see your doctor and they took your blood pressure. They probably said something like... "just relax, take a few breaths...". Well the reason they said that... is because it WORKS!!!

Simple relaxation techniques have been proven to reduce blood pressure which in turn positively impacts health.

For me, high blood pressure runs in my family, and I've been a borderline candidate for some years now. However, I keep it in-check by meditating regularly, breathing deeply and by visualizing the inner peace within me. We all have that inner peace. It is just a case of tapping into it...

This MP3 audio download is a compilation of all the powerful visualizations, affirmations, metaphors and neural networking language I've successfully used on myself. At just under 17 minutes in length, this MP3 audio download is best listened to while lying down or sitting on a comfortable arm chair (ideally with headphones on). My soothing English voice will guide you into a state of peaceful bliss as all the "change work" is done at the subconscious level.
So I invite you to accompany me on my very own personal journey as I go deep inside and address my own blood pressure.

Find a quiet space where you won't be disturbed and listen to the words that helped me. After repeated listens you will find similar positive changes beginning to manifest as your subconscious creates for you a healthier body template. For me "guided visualization" has proved to be the most effective and natural DRUG FREE way of treating hypertension and maintaining a healthy blood pressure level.


The My Sunny Mind titles have been downloaded over 100,000 times online. 
The My Sunny Mind titles have been utilized for patients at the NYU School of Medicine.
Experience change today! 
For more information please message me.


Unfortunately due to their nature (i.e. digital items) I do not accept returns / refunds on any of my audio downloads / MP3s. However, if you have any issues please do contact / message me.


----------Health Care Disclaimer----------

The My Sunny Mind downloads are 'hypnotic' in nature and under no circumstances should you listen to them while driving a vehicle, operating heavy machinery or doing anything else that requires your full attention.

Do not listen to any of our products if you suffer from depression or neurological disorders such as (but not limited to) epilepsy. Our products and the information given in the description are complimentary and in no way intended to treat, cure, diagnose or prevent any illness or disease. 

Furthermore, this store and its services and this MP3 do not constitute the practice of medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Always talk to your health care provider for diagnosis and treatment, including your specific medical needs. If you have or suspect that you have a medical problem or condition, please contact a qualified health care professional immediately. If you are in the United States and experiencing a medical emergency, call 911 or call for emergency medical help immediately.

For best results we recommend that you listen to the My Sunny Mind products somewhere safe where you won't be disturbed and ideally with headphones on. 

**Lower Blood Pressure Naturally with Guided Meditation and Hypnosis MP3 Download, Healthy Heart Relaxing Hypnotherapy Audio Session**

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